The school provides needed Instructions for the parents who seek admission.
Admission starts on 1st October every year.
Registration Forms are to be filled and submitted to the School office within three days of issue of Registration Form.
Incomplete or illegible Registration Forms, without photograph, will be considered invalid.
Date for tests/observation and interaction will be given at the time of registration and the same may be changed on a very short notice of only two days by the school.
Registration does not imply admission which is subject to admission test / observation and interaction and the availability of seats.
At the time of registration, the following documents, along with the registration and processing fee of Rs. 6,000 in cash, are to be submitted to the school office.
Duly filled and signed Registration Form should be enclosed with
One colour passport-size photograph and four stamp size photographs.
One colour passport-size photograph of father and mother
Original Birth Certificate
One Aadhar card copy of father, mother and child
For Foreign Nationals - Passport copy.
Medical Reports (if any).
Aptitude / I.Q. / Psychological testing (if any).
Report Card from previous school (Std 1 onwards) attested copy.
Admission to Nursery to std II will be through observation/interaction and family meet.
There will be a written test for students seeking admission to Class III – VIII followed by an interview / interaction.
It is strictly advised that the parents should fill the registration form themselves. In case this form is filled by guardians, it should be clearly indicated.
Care must be taken to ensure that the date of birth filled in the Registration Form tallies with that on the original birth certificate.
If T.C. with 'PASSED' or 'PROMOTED' is not submitted in time, i.e. before the session commences in May or latest by the end of June, admission stands cancelled.
Parents should note that any admission secured after the session has been started (in case of transfers or relocations), the T.C. of the student should be submitted within 15 days of the admission. No extension of date will be allowed. If they fail to submit the T.C. within 15 days, they forfeit the right of admission and no refund will be made whatsoever.
Online Registration
Registration Forms will be available ON-LINE on this website, 1st September onwards.
After completing the REGISTRATION and "SUBMIT", you will receive the completed form by e-mail on the e-mail address you have filled in the application.
You will receive a response regarding the availability status within maximum 3 working days.
If you do not hear from us due to technical reasons, within the before said period please contact the office 04829 236181, 9961041000
The school will let you know that the seat is available and to get the appointment for level readiness check and family meet.
After you hear from us, you must confirm the same with the front office. Then visit the school office as per the given appointment, attend the family meet and the level readiness check. The results are declared to the parents by telephonic conversation within 3 working days.
Online admission form to be duly signed by parents along with Registration and Processing Fee of Rs. 6,000 in cash have to be submitted to the school office.
Refer to the list given above for the documents needed for admission.
If you do not attend the given appointment, it stands cancelled.
Finalization of Admissions
Registration process by itself does not guarantee admission.
After the level readiness check & Family Meet, the admission is granted.
School fees need to be payed in order for admission confirmation.
No admission is final till we receive all documents required for completing the process.
Instructions for the Candidates
Candidates should be reach 30 minutes before the start of the written examination.
Candidates should bring their own pencil/pen/colour pencils/geometry box etc.